Barbara Zanella's Glamour Secrets
My lookbook interview is all about a glamorous and preppy lady from Brazil, Barbara Zanella. " I think the person need a lot of talent, dedication and study." -Barbara 1. Describe your styles in three words. "Glamourous, Indie, Rock & Roll. " 2. What makes you get into the world of fashion? "Photography. " 3. Who/what are your inspirations in fashion? "Vivenne Westwood, Alexandre Herchcovitch, Jum Nakao, Susie Bubble, Face Hunter, We Heart It. " 4. What stores do you most likely to go to? "Well, we have some local stores here in Brazil that looks like Zara. But for be honest I love all the stores... I just can't think about some store that I hate. " 5. What do you think it takes to be an "icon" of fashion? "I think the person need a lot of talent, dedication and study." Here are some lookbook pictures from Barbara. Enjoy! Her Blogspot Her Lookbook