How activism in PUP works

Students/activists making noise to fight for their rights in front of the PUP building – the so called popeye – is nothing new to most PUPians. It has been a routine for them to either inform or entice students to know about the present issues or the past as well that are, actually, has a big effect on them. But if looking at the other limelight, from shouting to vandalizing on the corners of the university, are these ways and actions conducive in resolving the problems?

Basically, as a PUPian that is in need of services the government lacks to provide, the answer to this is yes. Activism is not a waste of effort or a waste of time if being done for a goal. Being a student and activist on the other side doesn’t mean that we are pushing aside our main purpose to be in the institution – to gain a degree.

Let’s just say student activists are kinds of individuals who have a wide range of cognizance and a high level of eagerness to express their insights and perspective about what they think is going beyond the limit of their rights – not only for their own rights but as well as the students they are fighting for. Rolling around the United Colleges Building – from North to South wing – is one of their ways not to distract but to let the inquisitive students know what they are really into. Having a short program in popeye is not like a noontime show that after watching it, it will vanish in your mind and just wait for tomorrow’s episode. It is a program that will help you fill in your curiosity about issues that you need to know. It’s not just like wasting your effort and hurting your legs by walking from the PUP campus to Mendiola wherein other universities – especially SUCs – are united as one for a common goal. Well, for those who thinks that these form of actions are nonsense at all, for me, it is better than to stop and stare on my window doing nothing and just let repressions violate our rights and freedom.

People who laugh at the “iskolar ng bayan…lumalaban!” chant never know that it contributed a lot in opening the minds of those in the throne of authority and power about the needs of the masses that they lack to provide. Activism in PUP has been a big help for almost 5000 freshmen last school year. Through the help of organizations like the SKM, SAMASA and LFS, many who lack financial resources but have high potentials and capabilities of being a true iskolar ng bayan were able to enter PUP. Also, through the effort of these activists, PUP was able to maintain its student-friendly service – the Php12 per unit tuition fee. No other institution can provide this kind of service to students.

Just this last semester, the most waited moment of The Catalyst and SKM to be included in the enrolment process through SIS has been granted not only by the Board of Regents but undeniably, again, by the help of different organizations united as one. These stepping-stones of student activists to end student repression are all advantageous, indeed. Another one, and one of the most important things was about the budget cut on SUCs. Last year, I have experienced marching along from Espana boulevard to the Senate in Pasay City  and I can say that it isn't a waste of time and effort because I can see the vision of every iskolar ng bayan - from PUP to UP - existing in my head. 

Students who think that activism is a commotion on PUP’s reputation should think outside the box. Activism is not a crime. It’s a kind of eagerness in protecting people from negative effects of policies being implemented by selfish people (you know who they are). Do something significant and sweat even more! You’ll see at the end of the day, everything will be worth it.

(images from - credits to the owner/s)


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